
Spay Clinic October 21st in Honor of Barbara Parks

baja exiles spay neuter animal welfare

Animal Welfare in our Community

baja exiles spay neuter animal welfareWe all know, love and respect Barbara Parks, a La Mision animal lover.  Barbara is famous for driving around La Mision in her bright red van packed full of dog biscuits, stopping at anyone’s house that had a dog.  Barbara has taken in many rescues, including Winston, the brother of one of my rescues.  We all love Barbara.

Steven Huston is Barbara’s son.  He is extremely active in cat rescue and support groups in the southern California area.  He generously donated an entire spay and neuter clinic for La Mision.  Thank you so very much Steven!

Mark your calendars! Sunday, October 21st is our next spay clinic. HELP US drastically reduce animal overpopulation in our community. Thank you Barbara Parks and Steven Huston!

baja exiles spay neuter animal welfare baja exiles spay neuter animal welfare