
Tag: La Mision

Spay Clinic August 5th/44 SURGERIES

spay neuter baja exiles

Another successful clinic performed 44 surgeries. That means that 528 animals will not contribute to animal overpopulation. #spayneuter

“How To Groom Your Pet” Summer Workshop Super Success

Baja Exiles spay neuter

Tons of FUN teaching local kids how to care for their pet as part of our Summer Workshop program.

Grateful For Paloma The Sweetest Most Awesome Dog

Baja Exiles animal rescue

Fun stuff! We received this great report from Paloma’s (aka Dee Dee’s) adopters Mari and Tom Daniel.

Blanca Choses Her Family In The Mesas of La Mision

baja exiles animal welfare spay neuter clinics

Do you remember this little chihuahua roaming around the calles of La Mision? Well, she was adopted by a visiting couple who shares their story with us. “Blanca started coming to our house that we rented in La… Read More

Bandit Pulls It All Together!

Baja Exiles animal rescue

“When I saw him in that crate and looking so sad, I knew this was a chance to incorporate all of the pieces of rescue…foster, socialization, networking to find just the perfect match… SUCCESS!”