
Tag: Baja California

Spay Clinic October 21st/ 24 SURGERIES

baja exiles spay neuter clinic

Thank you for supporting spay and neuter! Special thanks to Steve Huston and Barbara Parks.

Spay Clinic October 21st in Honor of Barbara Parks

baja exiles spay neuter animal welfare

This spay neuter clinic is in honor of Barbara Parks a great animal lover and neighbor funded by her son Steven Huston. Thank you!

Spay Clinic August 5th/44 SURGERIES

spay neuter baja exiles

Another successful clinic performed 44 surgeries. That means that 528 animals will not contribute to animal overpopulation. #spayneuter

From Stray to Starlet: Wolfie’s Success Story

Baja Exiles spay neuter Wolfie Success Story

On any given day she is hanging out and enjoying the sunset. She and her FURever family have big plans.

Bandit Pulls It All Together!

Baja Exiles animal rescue

“When I saw him in that crate and looking so sad, I knew this was a chance to incorporate all of the pieces of rescue…foster, socialization, networking to find just the perfect match… SUCCESS!”